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September 2024 Events

5:45 PM – Fellowship Supper - Menu: Sandwich Boxes

6:30 PM – Discipleship / Life Groups


Sept 24 Tues Nifties @ RCC




October 2024 Events

5:45 PM – Fellowship Supper - Menu: Sandwich Boxes

6:30 PM – Discipleship / Life Groups


Oct 3 Thurs         First Priority JoCo Meeting at RCC – 6:30pm

Oct 6 – 9              Nifties to DC and Amish Country

Oct 7 – 9              JoCo Community Revival

Oct 12 Sat           CIA Church Yard Sale

Oct 19 Sat           Western Conference of OFWB @ Pleasant Grove Ch
                             (2 Delegates needed for RCC) – see Pastor Johnny                                  today!
Oct 20                  Harvest Sunday at RCC

Oct 27   Sun        Youth Pumpkin Carving at RCC – 5pm

Oct 30 Wed         Trunk or Treat at RCC



November 2024 Events

5:45 PM – Fellowship Supper - Menu: Sandwich Boxes

6:30 PM – Discipleship / Life Groups


Nov 2024             New Wed Meal Teams needed at RCC! – (sign up today!)

Nov 10 0r 17      UMO Sunday at RCC




December 2024 Events

5:45 PM – Fellowship Supper - Menu: Sandwich Boxes

6:30 PM – Discipleship / Life Groups







Sunday 8 AM / Facebook Live Worship  *  Sunday 10 AM / Worship @ RCC

Wed 11 AM / Facebook Live Bible Study

Woman’s Auxiliary / the first Thursday of each month / 7 PM

Nifties over Fifties / the last Tuesday of each month / 11:30 AM



The Buildings and Grounds Committee is looking for volunteers at RCC. Please sign up to participate and give your time to beautify the property.


Usher / Security / Medical Teams Volunteer to be a part of these new opportunities of service to God and RCC! Sign up on the Bulletin Board to participate.


Sanctuary Flowers - Contact Susan Daughtry for more information. 


Paper Products and Cleaning Supplies Drive for the FWB Children’s Home 

All products and cleaning supplies are needed at the Home. Feel free to donate products and supplies ASAP! Those items maybe left in the Pastors study near the Sanctuary.

(Please check out the Church Facebook page for updates and current happenings!)

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